Correction after publication

Sometimes, it is necessary to make corrections to published articles by adding more details or making editorially significant updates. In these cases, we will not alter the original article, but rather, we will issue a separate document known as a notice of correction or retraction if necessary. This document will have a different DOI and metadata than the original article. If a correction is made to a published article, it will be recorded in CrossMark Information, a multi-publisher initiative provided by CrossRef.

Crossmark is a standard method that allows readers to easily determine the trustworthiness of a document. It provides information on the current status and publishing history of the document and is displayed in the form of a logo on the online version of all articles published by Luminous Insights. By clicking on the Crossmark button, readers can access this information and ensure that they are reading a reliable and trustworthy source.

The reader will be informed about the current status of the document and its publication history, including the author's ordination identifier and funding information. With CrossMark, readers can easily check the current status of a document and view any updates or corrections that have been made to its record, including article recalls.

While Crossmark additional metadata is not required, it is offered by publishers as an option. There are currently no specific guidelines for the types of metadata to include in additional records, but it is expected that communities or disciplines will develop their own best practices and guidelines over time.



At all times, we ensure that the content is up-to-date and any updates are recorded promptly. In addition, we include the Crossmark button in all digital formats, including HTML, PDF, and ePub. By implementing Crossmark using the provided script, we can provide visibility of changes to the content, as well as sponsor information and applicable licenses. This ensures that readers can trust that the content is constantly being updated and that important information is displayed clearly.

By linking Crossmark metadata to Luminous Insights, we are able to integrate with other systems and track changes in the scientific record. Additionally, the publisher's valuable metadata, such as key publication dates and author orchid identifiers, as well as information on content type, plagiarism screening, funding, licensing, peer review, and search data location, are also included. To ensure that readers can trust and confidently use and cite the content, it is important to recognize and display the Crossmark symbol in all content. This serves as a signal to readers that the content has undergone thorough evaluation and can be trusted.

Articles can be updated with supplemental data or corrections through CrossMark, a standardized and consistent system that is available across different platforms. Additionally, a CrossMark button included in PDFs allows readers to easily identify any changes made to the article, even if they have downloaded it months or years earlier.


Forms of changes/update

Minor changes: These are changes that are not significant, and may include things like correcting formatting and spelling errors. These types of changes do not require the reader to be alerted, and the Crossmark status of the work can remain unchanged. This also applies to article editions - if the changes between working editions do not significantly alter the content of the paper, the Crossmark status can remain the same.

Major Changes: If Crossmark is being used for a work, it is intended to inform readers about significant changes to the published literature. Examples of major changes include recalling an article due to an error or adding or deleting an author. These types of changes should be reflected in Crossmark's working case. It is good practice to post a notice of rectification or rollback (using the work's digital ID) and to make this information publicly available, rather than restricting access to it. This allows readers to follow the link in the Crossmark button and find more information about the update.


How Crossmark works

Crossmark is a feature that is applied to all content within Luminous Insights, not just content that has been amended. It is a good practice to display the Crossmark button on all of our content, allowing readers to easily check for updates. Just because the Crossmark button is present on a content item does not necessarily mean that the document is up to date. When a reader clicks on the button, a pop-up box appears displaying the current status of the content (such as updated, available updates, or retracted), a permanent link to the publisher's copy, and any additional information.