Journal of Innovations in Digital Marketing


Journal Insights | Publishing Model: Platinum Open Access | APC: Waived by the Publisher

Editor-in-Chief View Editorial Board

Eva Lahuerta-Otero

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Editorial Policies

A guide to the manuscript internal procedures from submission to production


Manuscript submission and peer-review process

The Journal of Innovation in Digital Marketing invites proposed articles or unsolicited manuscripts. The journal may call for suggested titles related to its scope and objectives within special issues. In this case, the author (s) have to submit a summary of the proposed manuscript. The unsolicited manuscripts are regularly processed. All papers are subject to Initial screening by the editorial board. The screening process focuses on the affinity of the topic with the journal's scope of digital marketing, its importance and does not overlap with previously published material.

If the manuscript passes the initial screening stage, then it will be transferred to the peer-review process to ensure there is no bias, scientific precision, strong theoretical basis, and consistent methodology. The manuscript is subject to review by two professionals related to the topic, the author(s) is required to provide a list of peer reviewers when submitting predominately to push the review process, there is no guarantee that the names submitted by the author will be selected. The peer-review process usually takes two to six weeks.

The review process is double-blind, and the journal maintains the anonymity of the author (s) as well as the peer reviewers. If there is a potential conflict of interest affecting the ability of peer reviewers to provide an unbiased review of the manuscript, the peer reviewers must disclose the conflict of interest (see Conflicts of Interest Policy). The main goal of the peer review process is to add scientific value to the manuscript. Reviewers are required to submit their comments on a form report that includes general notes for the editor, and specific commentaries for the author (s).

The author must attach detailed responses to the reviewers' comments in the report form according to the sections provided. The manuscript may be accepted at this stage or subjected to further peer review. Rejection of the paper, further revision, or acceptance depends on the editor of the journal.

In case of rejection, The author has the right to object to rejection decision if he thinks that peer reviewers or the editor have erred in rejecting the paper, the author must explain in the appeal letter the reasons behind the decision being considered incorrect. The reasons should be compelling, detailed, and specific for any rejection comments. The appeal letter will be submitted to the editor in chief to determine other external experts to determine eligibility for re-review.  

Disclosure Policy and Conflicts of Interest

The disclosure and conflict of interest policy in the Journal of Innovation in Digital Marketing dictate no causes that lead to bias of the external reviewer's opinions about the manuscript. Implies that the author (s) must explicitly state whether there is a potential conflict or not (such as personal relationships or financial dependencies that may affect their actions). Likewise, external reviewers must disclose any conflict of interest and exclude themselves from reviewing any particular manuscript if they believe it is appropriate for them. Eventually, if any conflict of interest is declared, the editor will judge whether the reviewer's comments should be recognized or whether he will interpret the reviewer's comments in the context of any such declaration.

Authors must disclose any assistance in writing and preparing the manuscript. Furthermore, authors should also explicitly disclose sources of funding in the published article. Authors must confirm that all affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity that has a financial interest or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in their manuscripts have disclosed. Please note that examples of financial dependencies include: employment, advisory, fees, ownership of shares or financial options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or pending and royalties. This list is not exclusive of other forms of intervention. The relevant conflict of interest details (or lack thereof) must be made public in the "Disclosure" section of the manuscript for all listed authors.

Post- acceptance

The Journal of Innovation in Digital Marketing supports the free availability of articles to the public. The journal encourages authors to post copies of their published article in PDF format on their websites, blogs, or institutional repositories at any time, whether via the Internet or in printed form, the journal emphasizes referring to the website via article's link (see the Open Access Policy). The journal also offers a range of Creative Commons licenses (CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND).

Publication policies for The Journal of Innovation in Digital Marketing publications ensure that authors can fully comply with the public access requirements of major funding agencies around the world ( = All). However, it is the author's responsibility to take action to achieve compliance, and this may include self-archiving or opt for an open-access publication based on deciding the appropriate type of license.

Rights of Privacy

The right to privacy must guarantee to individuals who were sources of information. If a researcher is forced to include identification information for scientific purposes, he or she should obtain written informed consent (should be indicated in the manuscript prior to publication).

This implies that the author has presented the manuscript to those relevant persons, explained the scope of the research and its objectives, and how the information obtained was used. Informed consent should be obtained whenever there is any doubt that anonymity can be guaranteed. Taking into account deleting the identification details if they are not necessary, and not forging or modifying them if it is necessary to reveal them in the manuscript.

Use of unpublished data & personal communications

Authors can cite articles from published or accepted but have not yet been published in the Journal websites. Note that the citation of unpublished data should not appear in the list of references. Authors should not cite personal correspondence unless necessary scientific information is provided and is not available in public sources. In this case, nature and information resources should be declared using any terms that indicate no matching citation in the references list.

Figures and tables

The journal encourages the use of summary figures and tables in all types of articles if they improve the scientific value of the manuscript. The Figures and tables should be numbered respectively according to their appearance and clarifying all the abbreviations therein. All figures or tables must look apparent and do not include the figure or table as a picture that cannot be modified.

When using non-authored figures, the citation should be mentioned at the bottom of the figures and must match in the list of references. Explanations of the Figure or table must be Conjugate in the text. If the manuscript contains a measurement scale, it should be appeared in the list of appendices at the end of the paper, an adequate explanation within the research paper should exist.

Re-production Permission

The Journal of Innovation in Digital Marketing allows authors to use previously published tables and figures in their new manuscripts, that entails obtaining permission from the publisher. The publisher of the magazine innovation in digital marketing is (luminous insights), the author must notify the JIDM editor when using any figures or tables published under the name of the publisher explaining all the information related to the use of the published content. The publisher's official website is

Plagiarism, duplicate publication and scientific misconduct 

All articles submitted to the Journal of Innovation in Digital Marketing are subject to plagiarism examination to ensure un-similar content. Authors must guarantee that the submitted manuscript has not been previously published, is subject to review elsewhere, or is under study for publication elsewhere. Authors are required to certify that their work is original and does not contain any substantially similar contents in other works. The Journal of Innovation in Digital Marketing is considering the use of ideas or words of others that are protected by intellectual property, whether published or unpublished, without citation or permission, as scientific theft and misconduct.

The Journal deals with scientific misconduct, whether by authors or reviewers via appropriate measures to ensure the application of the Journal and publisher's policies, whether before or after publication. When it becomes evident to the Journal or publisher the involvement in scientific misconduct, the person involved is required to clarify, and in the event of failure to respond, referral to the competent law enforcement authority for a full investigation will occur. The publisher has the full right to act according to the decisions of the competent authority with the measures it deems appropriate, such as retraction or withdrawing the publication of the article if required.

Research misconduct leads to potentially disastrous results. Consequences of misconduct may include a loss of trust with readers and research funding institutions, as well as a loss of confidence in the ability and integrity of researchers. The Journal compels all colleagues to adhere to the ethical, legal and professional guidelines governing the conduct of research.

The Journal of Innovation in Digital Marketing applies different procedures to incidents of alleged research misconduct depending on the type and level of the accusation. The Journal may refer to a government agency to conduct an investigation, or it may refer to the funding institution to investigate research misconduct.

US federal policy defines three forms of research misconduct: plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification.  Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, words without giving appropriate credit. Researchers should become familiar with relevant citation agreements because the criteria for assigning credit may vary according to different fields.

The fabrication is reporting and recording of formation of incorrect data and results, it is considered one of the forms of research behaviour according to the US federal policy. The practice of generating data without conducting relevant research is a fabrication, so the research results should not be discussed, shared, or published unless they performed precisely. One of the forms of research misconduct is also falsification, which is the manipulation of research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or deleting data or results so that the research is not represented accurately in the research record.

According to US federal policy, the selective exclusion of data points resulting from an intention to generate an obscure conclusion is one example of falsification.

The researcher/researchers must report any practice they believe violates ethical, legal or professional rules. Reporting is done by notifying someone outside of your regular reporting structure, or via an external entity such as a government agency. This is a guarantee of responsible research and adherence to standards for conducting research. Reporting of a violation is the last possibility and should only occur if other solutions have not addressed the problem.

A suspected incident of misconduct may be simply a byproduct of a misunderstanding and may not a real. Therefore, researchers must be careful in assessing the incident of research misconduct. Reporting or submitting a complaint about research misconduct may cause personal conflict or professional difference of opinion, the allegation of research misconduct is a serious matter. Journal will not deal with this issue unless the pieces of evidence indicate an actual violation of ethical, legal or professional standards. The Journal must verify that a colleague has committed an act related to research misconduct, such as participating in data fabrication, plagiarism, or falsification.

In-house production

Articles are processed for quick publication as possible. Authors are informed of all proofs in order to obtain the necessary approvals from them. After that, they will be informed of the production schedule, as well as the case when there is any delay.


All Luminous Insights journals are in Open Access; articles are immediately available for reading and reuse and can be downloaded, shared, and reused without restrictions as long as the original authors cited correctly. We use a Creative Commons license (CC-BY) for all published articles. It is uncommon to include material republished with permission under a more restrictive license. When it happens, this will identify. In this case, you may need to request permission for reuse and adaptation from the copyright owner.
Copyright remains with the authors who have chosen to make the articles available for reuse, so you do not need permission as they are available under the open license (CC-BY) since these licenses allow for reuse and adaptation. The license applicable included in the front part of the article in a human-machine-readable format.
Luminous Insights publishes contributions under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (, and any data related to the article (including but not limited to any reference lists) is distributed according to the Creative Commons public domain Waiver of Dedication (

You may share (copy and redistribute the materials in any medium or format) and adapt (remixing, transforming, and building on materials) for any purpose (even commercially) Provided that you follow the licensing terms that include Making correct attribution (you must grant appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in any way that implies that the licensor endorses or endorses your use), and not create any other restrictions ( You may not apply legal requirements or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits).


All references should be in the APA style of referencing- Sixth edition