Journal of Sustainable Marketing

ISSN: 2766-0117

Journal Insights | Publishing Model: Platinum Open Access | APC: Waived by the Publisher

Editor-in-Chief View Editorial Board

Dana L. Alden

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Expressing Appreciation for Your Support in 2022 and Looking Forward to 2023

Table Of Contents


As we approach the end of 2022, I’d like to take time to thank the many contributors who are dedicated to helping the Journal of Sustainable Marketing (JSM) become a leading source of marketing theory, research, and application that supports mitigation of the disastrous effects of climate change and pollution, while enhancing supply chain equity.

First, on behalf of the journal, I extend our sincere appreciation to the many authors who are investing in JSM’s future by submitting high quality research papers and commentaries. The journal’s focus on one of the most pressing challenges facing marketers and the world today, combined with a brand name title that naturally places the publication center stage, will no doubt help speed JSM’s rise to prominence. Therefore, to advance sustainable marketing theory and practice, the journal is committed to publishing rigorous and meaningful research.

For most new journals, a long-term time horizon between start up and widespread recognition as a major source of knowledge and application is a given. However, as headlines tell us daily, when it comes to addressing the dire consequences of global warming, other forms of pollution, and supply chain inequity, time is short. Natural scientists consistently warn us about approaching several tipping points that will chain future generations to an inhospitable environment characterized by unbearable heat and toxic waste in our water, air, and oceans.

Scientific marketing research has a critical role to play in addressing many of the challenges that are rapidly taking humanity to the point of no return. Authors who have contributed to JSM over the past two years since its founding are akin to the angel investors who fund startups established to pioneer sustainability solutions such as developing innovative sources of green energy. Given the journal’s newness, authors may first consider more established marketing journals as outlets for their research. However, the potential payoff of investing in JSM is substantial and those who take that initial risk will point to their early support of the journal with pride and a sense of meaningful achievement. Thus, hats off to those who have already contributed their quality work to JSM and invitations to others in our field to send us their work in the near future.

Second, many thanks to JSM’s publisher, Luminous Insights, and in particular, Dr. Ahmad Aljarah, for their steadfast support of the new journal. Their skilled promotion of the journal’s published articles via social media and other sources as well as their constant attention to detail on various aspects of the manuscript submission and publication process have allowed our editors to work more closely with the journal’s editorial review board (ERB) and submitting authors. In addition, the publisher’s proactive promotion program via LinkedIn and other social media platforms has significantly increased exposure of JSM’s articles to scholars and others with interests in sustainable marketing. Reflecting their dedication and effectiveness, the journal’s manuscript production team continually receives positive emails from authors regarding the ease and quality of JSM’s production process.

Third, members of the journal’s ERB and ad hoc reviewing team deserve our collective praise for providing timely, constructive, and meaningful feedback to authors. Without their helpful recommendations for strengthening submission contributions, the final product would be far less meaningful and valuable. Similarly, I’d like to recognize and thank our two Associate Editors, Elif Karaosmanoglu and Rafael Currás Pérez, for their many contributions. They are working tirelessly to identify future contributors to the journal, further globalize our ERB, and develop special topic issue concepts.

Finally, the Shidler College of Business at the University of Hawai‘i has served as the journal’s main endorser for the past year and a half. In addition to increasing JSM’s credibility, the College’s support has enabled the journal to upgrade its website, manuscript management system, and article production process. As a result, submitting authors can rest assured that their manuscripts will proceed smoothly through the stages of review, revision, and publication.

Moving forward to 2023, the Journal of Sustainable Marketing will continue to offer a blend of rigorous evidence-based research, conceptual theory development papers, and insightful commentaries. In addition, with input from our associate editors, ERB, and readers, we plan to develop one or more special topic issues. If you have ideas for a special topic within the sustainable marketing field and are willing to work with colleagues and our superb editorial team to see your interest area featured in a future issue, please email me ([email protected]) as soon as possible. Special issues typically require nine months to a year from the “call for papers” to submission deadlines.

As noted in the “Aims and Scope” section of JSM’s website, the journal already welcomes submission of “Case studies of companies, NGOs, and government organizations that have developed and successfully implemented innovative sustainable marketing programs and interventions in one or more countries.” While not all academic journals are willing to publish case studies, JSM believes that, in addition to advancing theory supported by evidence-based research, providing managers and policymakers with real world applications and implications is critical to successfully addressing the marketing-related ESG issues that provide the journal’s core focus. For this reason, a central concern of all JSM articles involves translation of conceptual and empirical findings into managerial action and/or policymaking. Case studies provide an additional important and effective tool for achieving this objective. Hence, the journal encourages submission of real world case studies grounded in generally accepted methods and analysis. We look forward to receiving more case study manuscripts in the coming year.

A personal goal that I have as EIC for 2023 is to initiate conversations with major academic marketing organizations about becoming JSM’s official sponsor. For many understandable and appropriate reasons, such organizations are generally willing to “adopt” new journals only after they have achieved prominence in the field as evidenced by factors such as index service rankings. However, my sincere hope is that in the near future, an academic society will come to view JSM as an essential publication that deserves earlier adoption than is the norm because of the gravity of the challenges addressed and critical importance of the solutions identified in the journal. Early adoption of JSM could significantly enhance journal awareness and credibility, thereby strengthening its ability to contribute to the development of scientific marketing theory and practice that targets the complex environmental and social crises threatening future generations’ right to a sustainable world.

Turning to the current JSM issue, I am excited to say that we are proud to share several interesting and insightful articles from well-known sustainable marketing researchers as well as emerging scholars whose work will help carry the field forward. As always, JSM is open access with no charge to our contributors or readers, which means that you can download any article directly from our website for no charge.

Last, I would like to note that the inaugural Research Innovations in Sustainable Marketing Symposium (RISM2023) will be held online from March 14-16, 2023 from 13:00-16:00 GMT. The timing as well as the fact that the symposium is online will allow attendance from around the world while minimizing the impact of our gathering on the climate. Featuring well-known speakers, high quality research papers, and opportunities to meet colleagues with interests in sustainable marketing, RISM2023 should be on your calendar. For more information on how to register at no charge, please visit:



Alden, D., (2022) . Expressing Appreciation for Your Support in 2022 and Looking Forward to 2023 . Journal of Sustainable Marketing , 3 (2) 84 – 86 ,

